Couples Counseling

Couples Counseling

Merging two lives together, at whatever point of that process you’re in, isn't easy. Differing viewpoints, trouble communicating, and compromising are among some of the common issues. The Journey: Pathways to Healing, serving Greenville, SC, and the nearby region, is home to Dr. Phyllis Davis and Reverend Carrol Davis, who can offer couples counseling and Christian counseling — which incorporates biblical beliefs or practices. Relationship counseling is a specialty for both Dr. Phyllis and Rev. Carrol.

Signs You Need Couples Counseling

No matter what stage you are at in your relationship, couples counseling can help. But, you should know there are times when your union could especially benefit from a bit of outside assistance, such as when:

  • You're having trouble communicating and agreeing.
  • You want to work on preventative care for your relationship.
  • You're getting close to a breakup or divorce.
  • One partner is distant or not as intimate as before or has cheated.
  • You have an unresolved conflict that's being repeated during arguments.
  • You're not on the same page with your goals.

How Our Practitioners Can Help

You can schedule either an in-person (at our Greenville office) or a virtual visit for couples counseling. 

Our practitioners can help you learn to communicate more effectively. The two of you can learn how to resolve conflicts and even learn to heal and grow after a major issue in your relationship, such as infidelity, or if it feels like a lot of small things are piling up.

We can help you understand each other's points to aid you in finding common ground on issues that are holding you back in your relationship. Couples counseling could include exploring each other's thoughts and feelings to understand better where each person is coming from, which can help with problem resolution now and in the future. Counseling can also help you to understand your own needs and goals.

While standard counseling is available, we can also offer Christian couples counseling. For this, you may still receive the same types of therapy, but we may incorporate prayer, such as asking God to help with your relationship challenges, along with Biblical guidance. Christian counseling may center around how to practice love and forgiveness, which can help strengthen your relationship.

Contact The Journey: Pathways to Healing, serving Greenville in-person and South Carolina online, to book with Dr. Phyllis or Rev. Carrol for Christian counseling and couples/marriage counseling to improve your relationship and learn new tools to address problems in the future. 

Call 864-449-4867.

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